Scene: Me sitting in an interview. In walks my interviewer who slightly resembles Steve Guttenberg from Police Academy – except my guy has a lazy eye. And the questions begin:
1: Do I sing in the Shower?
(Ummmm.. Anyone who claims to have NOT attempted Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” in the shower at least once is a liar. Don’t deny it).
2: If I could be a barnyard animal what kind would I be?
What kind of questions are these!!? Can I file an HR claim without having been hired because these seem a little strange and personal – perhaps even a little out of line. And why JUST barnyard animals? No love for sea creatures?
As I was escorted from the building I pondered how I might have answered each question differently. And then it occurred to me – perhaps these questions are super beneficial to the hiring process? And as usual upon doing some intense research (Wikipedia), I discovered that the behavioral interview question and the stress interview question have become the “go to” method for a lot of companies in determining the ability to think under pressure, personality/cultural fit, moral compass, etc.
Nerve wracking? HECK YEAH…. But my friends the ugly truth is:
Here are a few to get your blood pumping:
• What is your most memorable purchase and why did it make you feel good?
• Do you sing in the Shower? (Read above – Beyonce, Journey, and I do a mean Janis Joplin)
• If you were a type of food, what type of food would you be? (I’ve been dying to say sea cucumber just to gauge the response)
• If you had only six months left to live, what would you do with the time? (Obviously interviewing is at the top of the list since I’m sitting here with you)
• If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why?
• If you could have dinner with a famous historical figure, who would it be? (Is Elvis considered a historical figure?)
• If you were a car, what type would you be? (If I say limo with a driver, is that still considered “a car”).
• If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be? (The power to erase my answers from your memory?)
• See this pen? You have 5 minutes to sell it to me. (You already own the pen!! Why don’t you tell me why you bought it!).
Ok – so obviously my answers are merely for entertainment value, but we must face it friends. These questions could crop up and I simply want you to be prepared as your advocate and Headhuntress. Perhaps throw them a curveball and ask them if they could star in any Bill Murray movie – what would it be? (If it’s Meatballs – RUN!!)
Come on, everybody knows it would be "Caddy Shack"!
FYI: "Lost in Translation" would immediately end the interview.
I didn't get the haircut reference. It's a shame you have to worry about being too candid, since I'm sure you many many really spicy stories to tell.
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