Recruiter. Headhunter. Staffing Consultant. Placement Specialist. Talent Acquisition and Retention Specialist. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! Let’s call it what it really is – we are your Agent. OH YES – think Jerry Maguire “Show ME THE MONEY” Cuba Gooding yelling in the bathroom kind of agent. And no – I will not scream into the phone for you. I love you – but that just seems weird and it’s been done already.
I’ve realized recently that candidates typically fall into one of two categories:
• The first camp, we shall call them the “I don’t believe in your value” team – call Recruiters when they are in dire straits and send half-done resume updates/portfolio samples because let’s face it – they are at the end of their rope and don’t see the value that we (THE AGENT) can bring.
• The 2nd group, I shall call them the “I TOTALLY GET IT and will CERTAINLY partner with you to make magic happen” team – they are responsive, helpful, updates resumes AND portfolios accordingly and view us (THE AGENT) as a valued partner and resource in helping them secure their next engagement (I know – it’s not a movie but we can’t all live in the world of Mark Wahlberg (HELLO! ENTOURAGE MUCH) and Rene Zellweger).
So the tough question (DUM DUM DUM….) – how do we shift the court of public opinion in group one to join the happily ever after of group two?
It’s simple – change the mindset. Build the relationship. Court a little. In this land of speed dating and internet match making – the same cannot be applied to creating a valuable agent/talent relationship. So let’s get back to basics people! Get to know one another and the things that make each member of the partnership awesome. And for the love of god recruiters – DO NOT EVER USE THE WORDS “TOUCH BASE.” Would you want your girlfriend/spouse/family to call to “touch base?” I don’t think so.